[Bese-devel] Getting started control flow example

erick at fsl.org.mx erick at fsl.org.mx
Sun Mar 15 00:20:43 UTC 2009


I'm doing the examples in the getting started manual and I have troubles
to make to work the control flow code.

Attached is the code I'm using.

The problem is I can't display the message.

With  the following code

(defaction display-message (message)
  (unless (call 'example-control-flow-message :message message)
    (setf $message nil)))

After submit alway got this:

Hello !
Reset message

With the message part missing.

And if I modify display-message this way:

(defaction display-message (message)
  (unless (call 'example-control-flow-message)
    (setf $message nil)))

Without: :message message

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