[Bese-devel] Sort-of feature request.

Robin Lee Powell rlpowell at digitalkingdom.org
Wed Jul 2 12:54:13 UTC 2008

Hey all.  I've just moved in from Scheme land, and I'm using FiveAM
for a project of mine.

I've been trying to do stuff like this:

(defun menu-tests (page-title)
    (test ... page-title ...))

(in-suite home-page)

(menu-tests "Home")

It doesn't work because "test" expands to an explicit call to
compile in the COMMON-LISP-USER package, which has no idea what
page-title is, so "page-title" is an unbound variable (which,
naturally, is crap).

I can get around this with macros, of course.  I assume that there's
a good reason that test does what it does, but if there isn't, I'd
love if it didn't.  :)


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