[Bese-devel] Newbie question UCW and mod_lisp

Peter Hiltz bryan.emrys at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 17:50:03 UTC 2007

Hello, I'm new to lisp and UCW so apologize in advance for dumb questions. I'm 
looking for suggestions on what I did wrong in trying to get ucw_ajax (from 
the box-set) to run with apache and mod_lisp. 

I downloaded the box-set, run the default and everything works from the 
standalone server.

Then I modify apache to use mod-lisp, with mod_lisp.conf set as:
	LispServer 3000 ucw
	        <LocationMatch "/ucw/.*\.ucw">
		    SetHandler lisp-handler

I set /ucw_ajax/etc/conf.lisp to use:

 (setf *ucw-backend-type* ':mod-lisp)
 (setf *ucw-backend-host* "")
 (setf *ucw-backend-port* 3000)
 (setf *ucw-server-class* 'standard-server)

I also changed the ucw_ajax/src/v

restarted apache and, from the ucw-boxset directory, started sbcl and 
loaded "start-ajax"

Pointing my browser at http://localhost/ucw/index.ucw

generated the following error:
10:41          UCW INFO    Sending 500 Internal Server Error for 
request "/ucw/index.ucw"
10:41  UCW.BACKEND INFO    Gracefully aborting backend request because: The 
value "" is not of type (SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) (*))..

The error log shows:
handling a httpd backend request in worker #<HTTPD-WORKER httpd worker 1 
{1002497CC1}> on socket #<STREAM-USOCKET {1003C5ACD1}>:
The value \"\" is not of type (SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) (*)).")
aborting backend request because: The value \"\" is not of type 

Thanks for any response.


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