[Bese-devel] beginner's question (ucw_ajax)

Sylvain Louboutin sylvain.louboutin at aerloman.com
Sat Sep 30 04:31:40 UTC 2006

I have been trying to figure this one out for a while,  and I am kindof
stuck;  I initially was toying with ucw_dev branch and thought I might
as well move on to the next thing,  i.e.,  ucw_ajax,  while I was still
quite early in the game;  

where I am stuck is with what I am supposed to give as argument to
switch-component -- now of course I could go ahead and try to emulate
directly what the new example does,  but I would like to understand
what I am doing wrong here.

So,  I got myself an application as follows (I simplified a bit):

(defparameter *zozo-application*
  (make-instance 'cookie-session-application 
                 :url-prefix "/" 
                 :www-roots (list (cons "static/" (merge-pathnames #P"static/" *zozo-www-root*))
                                  (cons "css/"    (merge-pathnames #P"css/"    *zozo-www-root*))
                                  (cons "ucw/"    (merge-pathnames #P"ucw/"    *zozo-www-root*))
                                  (cons "dojo/"   (merge-pathnames #P"dojo/"   *zozo-www-root*))
                                  (cons "pics/"   (merge-pathnames #P"pics/"   *zozo-www-root*)))
                 :debug-on-error t
                 :dispatchers (append (make-standard-ucw-dispatchers)
                                      (list (make-regexp-dispatcher "^(zozo.ucw|)$" (call 'zozo-window))))))

Then I got myself a component with a switching container,  very similar to what the 
example in ucw_dev was doing:

(defcomponent zozo-window (simple-window-component)
              ((body :component
                       :contents (list (cons 'zozo-zaza (make-instance 'zozo-zaza))
                                       (cons 'zozo-zuzu (make-instance 'zozo-zuzu)))
                       :current-component-key 'zozo-zaza)
                     :accessor body))
                :title "Zozo" 
                :stylesheet (list "/ucw/ucw.css" "/css/layout.css")
                :content-type "text/html; charset=utf-8;"
                :javascript '((:src "dojo/dojo.js")
                              (:js (dojo.require "dojo.event.*")))
                :icon "/pics/icon.ico")
              (:documentation "Zoum zoum"))

An now,  I would like to render the thing:

(defmethod render ((zozo zozo-window))
  (render (container.current-component (body zozo)))
  (<:div :id "side-nav"
         (flet ((zozo-link (name text) 
                           (<ucw:a :action (switch-component (body zozo)  name) ;; SNAG
                                   (<:as-html text))))
             (<:li (zozo-link 'zozo-zaza "Zaza"))
             (<:li (zozo-link 'zozo-zuzu "Zuzu"))))))

If I replace the zozo-link function by a dummy one,  say,  that just does (<:as-html text)
the thing works and displays things as I would expect;  the problem I am having is
figuring out what I give as a first argument to switch-component; 

I first thought that it was expecting (body zozo),  which would be more analogous
to what was doing in the example of ucw_dev,  but then it complains that the
value #<it.bese.arnesi::closure/cc> is not of type it.bese.ucw::action-entry;
naively I thought that,  hey,  I could give it (contain.contents xxx) of same,
but that didn't do the trick;

now I understand that things have changed a bit between ucw_dev and ucw_ajax,  but
I obviously haven't understood the changes... I would really appreciate any kind
of enlightement :-)


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