[Bese-devel] two simple questions

Sylvain Louboutin sylvain.louboutin at aerloman.com
Sat Sep 23 11:51:01 UTC 2006

I just get around to using UCW again after a few months hiatus -- and
I was just getting started then,  and I have a couple of questions:

- I am having problems getting static files;  what I mean is this;
I define some *my-application* in :my-package as follows,  basically
trying to emulate what examples.lisp is doing:

(defvar *my-www-root*
    (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "wwwroot"))
    (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system :my-package))))

(defparameter *my-application*
  (make-instance 'cookie-session-application 
                 :url-prefix "/" 
                 :www-roots (list (cons "/"     (merge-pathnames "/" *my-www-root*))
                                  (cons "css/"  (merge-pathnames "css/" *my-www-root*))
                                  (cons "pics/" (merge-pathnames "pics/" *my-www-root*)))
                 :debug-on-error t
                 :dispatchers (list (action-dispatcher)
                                    (regexp-dispatcher "^(index.ucw|)$"
                                                       (call 'my-window))
                                    :debug-on-error t)))

and the thing works somehow -- it picks up my components and all that -- but
it doesn't pick up static files, such as my css file;  and I got an error
like this (in the case of the css file):

04:26 UCW.BACKEND/+INFO+: Handling request for "/css/layout.css" from #(127 0 0 1)
04:26 UCW-LOGGER/+ERROR+: Got request error #<SIMPLE-ERROR {127623D1}>.
04:26 UCW-LOGGER/+INFO+: Aborting request.                                                                                                           
I did try a number of variants,  e.g.,  putting all static files in the same 
directory and giving just this directory as arg to :www-roots,  but the effect
is the same;  

I must be missing something painfully obvious,  the examples work just
as advertised,  but not my little application :-),  and I cannot figure
out what I am doing that is so different from the examples -- any idea
of what I should be looking for?

Another question:  how do you put html quoted characters,  e.g., something
of the form '&000;' inside an URL that you give to (<:href  without having
the thing reinterpreted (it will turn it into '&000;' ?

I know it will sound awfully silly,  but these little snags keep bugging me :-)

thanks for your patience,

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