[Bese-devel] Checkboxes broken

Timothy Jasko tjasko at paragent.com
Fri Sep 15 18:00:11 UTC 2006

It seems that no matter what I do, the value of my checkboxes is  
always nil. I'm on sbcl on Intel Mac OS X, using ucw_dev  
from yesterday's boxset.

I've boiled it down to the following very basic code. The checkbox  
does seem to correctly remember whether or not to be checked, but its  
value is always nil.

(defentry-point "test.ucw" (:application *my-app*)
   (call 'test-page))

(defcomponent test-page (simple-window-component)
   ((checkbox :accessor checkbox
              :initform (make-instance 'checkbox-field))
    (message :accessor message
             :initform "")))

(defaction do-submit ((page test-page))
   (setf (message page) "submitted"))

(defmethod render ((page test-page))
   (<:p (<:ah (message page)))
   (<ucw:form :action (do-submit page)
              (render (checkbox page))
              (<:ah (if (value (checkbox page)) "True" "False"))
              (<ucw:submit :action (do-submit page))))

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