[Bese-devel] Creating a UCW component?

hbabcockos1 at mac.com hbabcockos1 at mac.com
Tue Nov 21 17:31:23 UTC 2006


I've defined a component something like this:

(defcomponent my-component (nil)
  ((value1 :accessor value1
               :initarg :value1
               :initform 0)
   (value2 :accessor value2
               :initarg :value2
               :initform 0)))

And I'd like to be able to create a instance of the component "off-line", i.e. something like this:

(make-instance 'my-component)

However, this doesn't work and I get the error message:

There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

So, how does one do this?

My purpose is that I've written an analysis app in UCW and I'd like to have the option of running the analysis directly, rather than via the web interface. However, since it was originally written as a UCW app most of the functions expect a UCW component as one of their arguments.


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