[Bese-devel] How to return multiple values from a form...

Ties Stuij cjstuij at gmail.com
Wed May 17 21:46:26 UTC 2006

> Hello.


> A newbie question.

> (defentry-point "index.ucw" (:application *chessweb-app*) ()
>   (loop
>      (multiple-value-bind (pgn-title pgn-string) (call 'pgn-publisher)
>        (call 'create-html-pgn :pgn-title pgn-title :pgn-string pgn-string))))

well, first of all, defentrypoint always functions as a loop, second,
if you call pgn from create-html-pgn and you answer, you come back to
create-html-pgn. So you can define defentry-point like this:

(defentry-point "index.ucw" (:application *chessweb-app*) ()
  (call 'pgn-publisher))

> (defcomponent pgn-publisher (simple-window-component)
>   ()
>   (:default-initargs :title "ChessWeb Publisher"))
> (defmethod render ((window pgn-publisher))
>   (<:h1 "ChessWeb Publisher")
>   (let ((pgn-title "")
>         (pgn-string ""))
>     (<ucw:form :action (ok window pgn-string)
>                (<:as-html "PGN Page Title: ")
>                (<ucw:input :accessor pgn-title)
>                (<:br)
>                (<ucw:textarea :accessor pgn-string :rows 10 :cols 64)
>                (<:br)
>                (<:submit :value "Publish"))))

here you pass only pgn-string to the ok action which takes only one
argument while you also want to pass pgn-title. Or so i prosume
because you wanted to catch them both with a multiple-value-bind in
the defentry-point. Anyway, lets just make a defaction:

(defaction to-html-pgn ((w pgn-publisher) title string)
  (call 'create-html-pgn :pgn-title title :pgn-string string))

and call it from the png-publisher render method:
        (pgn-string ""))
    (<ucw:form :action (to-html-pgn window pgn-title pgn-string)
               (<:as-html "PGN Page Title: ")

> (defcomponent create-html-pgn (simple-window-component)
>   ((pgn-title :accessor pgn-title :initarg :pgn-title)
>    (pgn-string :accessor pgn-string :initarg :pgn-string))
>   (:default-initargs :title "ChessWeb Page"))
> (defmethod render ((window create-html-pgn))
>   (<:h1 (pgn-title window))
>   (<:as-html (pgn-string window)) (<:br) (<:br)
>   (<ucw:a :action (ok window) "Back"))

and in the render method above you forgot to (<:as-html.. the title:

(defmethod render ((window create-html-pgn))
  (<:h1 (<:as-html (pgn-title window)))
  (<:as-html (pgn-string window)) (<:br) (<:br)
  (<ucw:a :action (ok window) "Back"))

Well that works for me anyway, hope it helps.


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