[Bese-devel] request dispatching

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Sun Mar 12 12:36:56 UTC 2006

there's some code in the ucw_request-dispatch repository which i'd
like feedback on.

before we had a couple of SERVICE methods defined on
standard-application, standard-session and standard-session-frame
whcih took care of setting up the session, backtracking and
whatnot. all of that code has been moved into the dispatch methods of
clsses defined in standard-dispatch.lisp

what's changed:

- the defentry-point macro is gone. in it place we have a list of
  dipatch objects attached to each application object (see
  ucw/examples/example.lisp) for an example. personally i've come to
  believe that, when the number of entry-points is large, having them
  all in one place is a good idea. if you don't like the centralizing
  of entry-points re-introducing defentry-point wolud be trivial.

- it is now possible, but i haven't done it yet, to create a
  dispatcher which avoids creating frames and backtracking (think ajax
  or home pages).

- i find this code (which is some of ucw' most fundamental plumbing)
  much much more readable and understandable.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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