[Bese-devel] Re: Forms validation and a possible patch.

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Thu Jun 22 12:04:09 UTC 2006

Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> writes:

> (flet ((push-message-unless-valid (field name)
>            (multiple-value-bind (validp failed-validators)
>                (validp field)
>              (unless validp
> 	       (dolist (failed-validator failed-validators)
> 		 (push (list "error" 
> 			     (format nil "~A ~A" name 
> 				     (cond 
> 				       ((typep failed-validator 'not-empty-validator)
> 					"should not be empty.")
> 				       ((typep failed-validator 'length-validator)
> 					(format nil "is too short. It should be at least ~a letters
> long." (min-length failed-validator)))
> 				       (t "is not valid."))))
> 		       (messages form)))))))
>     (push-message-unless-valid (account-name form) "Your name")
>     (push-message-unless-valid (account-email form) "Your email")
>     (push-message-unless-valid (account-password form) "Your password")

applied somethnig along these lines.

> Basically the difference is that I don't print the class of the
> validator that failed but I dispatch on it generating a friendly message
> (the cond there).

nice idea, i'll apply something along these lines shortly

> The patch is attached.

applied. thanks.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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