[Bese-devel] Re: Forms, how to make them

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Thu Jun 22 11:59:24 UTC 2006

Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I have made a simple component with a some fields and now I want it to
> be a form, I've tried two ways which lead to different problems.
> In-CL markup, so I build the form like:
> (<:p (<:label "Name: " (render (account-name form))))
> (<:p (<:label "Email address: " (render (account-email form))))
> (<:p (<:label "Password: " (render (account-password form)))))
> Now, for example, how do I put an "accesskey" parameter to the generated
> input elements ?

form elements don't currenty support the accesskey parameter, adding
them is an excellent idea.

> I am ok with automatically generated ids and names, but, do they have to
> be randomly generated ? It breaks the useful browser feature of
> auto-completation.

the ids can be changed with the :dom-id initarg (slot defined by the
html-element class) and the name can be set with the :name initarg
(slot defined by the generic-form-element).

> Then I tried using TAL (with which I am confortable since my days as a
> Zope developer), but there, how do I generate the input elements ?
> and/or can I write them myself (to have the right names and the right
> parameters, like "account-name" and "n" for the first field in the
> previous example) ? Is it possible to still have all that javascript
> voodoo still in place ?

the javascript vodoo is generated by the form elements only, if you
don't use the form elements you don't get the javascript, sorry.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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