[Bese-devel] Another newbie UCW question.. dynamic links

Dan Beauchesne dbeauchesne at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 11:18:58 UTC 2006

Hi list,

Thanks to Lou I got UCW working. But I've already hit a snag. 

Basically, I want to query the user and search through a hash table
for results, and then display the results. That part works fine. 

The thing is, I need each separate result to be a link which, when
clicked, will add that result to a separate list.

I did something like.. (in the main component)

(dotimes (n (length results))
(ucw:a :action (add-to-list main (nth n results))
(<:as-html (nth n results))))

(defaction add-to-list ((res main) it)
(setf (clicked-list main) (append (list it) (clicked-list main))))

I thought this was too easy, and apparently it was :), the page loads
fine and each result it clickable, but when I click it, some kind of
inifinite loop happens (doesn't say what), and I have to kill it. 

What is the best way to do this problem?


Dan Beauchesne
dbeauchesne -at- gmail -dot- com

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