[Bese-devel] streaming binary data

Lou Vanek vanek at acd.net
Sat Jun 10 23:29:59 UTC 2006

This one time, at band camp, Rtveliashvili Denys wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking for a possibility to stream a binary data to user  instead 
> of HTML.
> Imagine a situation  when a registration form has to be displayed,  and 
> the form should show an image with a rendered code which has to  be 
> entered by user manually to prove that the registration is made by  a 
> human being. Or, for example, imagine a situation when it is  necessary 
> to display a pie chart which is dynamically generated on  the server 
> side. In both situations it is necessary so send a binary  content to 
> client side and specify the content type.
> Does anybody know how to do it in UnCommon Web?
> Thank you,
> Denys R.
> _______________________________________________
> bese-devel mailing list
> bese-devel at common-lisp.net
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This patch is NOT ready for prime time. Do not apply.
It was written only for my system (Clisp and Araneida),
but it should give you a good idea of how to change the character stream to binary.
(Just do a search on 'binary' in the patch.)
The reason why I wrote this is because Clisp MUST send a binary data stream when
the data is UTF8. I have no idea whether this works with any other lisp,
but it should give you good a idea or two and perhaps a starting point.


Lou Vanek
Did you hear about the agnostic insomniac dyslexic? He lay awake at night wondering if there's a Dog.

diff -Narbdwt -u4 -x '*.fas' -x '*.lib' -x _darcs -x docs -x bin -x 'READ*' -I '^\s*;' TMP/ucw_dev.clean/src/backend/araneida.lisp ucw_dev/src/backend/araneida.lisp
--- TMP/ucw_dev.clean/src/backend/araneida.lisp	2006-06-02 07:06:58.765625000 -0400
+++ ucw_dev/src/backend/araneida.lisp	2006-06-09 18:30:35.260750000 -0400
@@ -61,9 +87,12 @@
    (ucw.backend.info "Starting up ARANEIDA backend ~S on ~A"
                      (araneida:urlstring (default-url backend)))
    (araneida:start-listening (listener backend))
-  #+clisp (araneida:host-serve-events))
+  ;; This next line is important (iff running clisp), but it should run a bit later
+  ;; after we start swank. (This line causes the process to block.)
+  #+nil (araneida:host-serve-events)
+  )

  (defmethod shutdown-backend ((backend araneida-backend) &rest init-args)
    (declare (ignore init-args))
    (ucw.backend.info "Stopping ARANEIDA backend ~S on ~A."
@@ -138,11 +167,15 @@

  (defmethod shutdown ((r araneida-request))

+(defmethod close-request ((request araneida-request))
+  (shutdown request))
  (defclass araneida-response (response)
    ((request :accessor request :initarg :request)
     (headers :accessor headers :initform '())
+   (status :accessor status :initform "200 OK")
     (html-stream :accessor html-stream :initform (make-string-output-stream))))

  (defmethod clear-response ((response araneida-response))
    (setf (headers response) '()
@@ -156,12 +189,31 @@

  (defmethod add-header ((response araneida-response) header-name value)
    (push (cons header-name value) (headers response)))

-(defmethod shutdown ((r araneida-response))
+(defmethod send-headers ((response araneida-response))
+  (araneida-send-headers response nil))
+(defun content-type-and-charset (response)
+ (let (charset/encoding)
+  (dolist* ((name . value) (headers response))
+    (if (starts-with name "Content-Type")
+            (handler-bind ((condition (lambda (condition)
+                              (format t "~%!! parse header error.~%~%")
+                              (describe condition)
+                              (format t "condition type: ~a~%" (type-of condition))
+                              (invoke-debugger condition))))
+         (multiple-value-bind (ctype attributes)
+            (rfc2388:parse-header-value value)
+            (when-bind charset/encoding (assoc "charset" attributes :test #'string=)
+                       (setq charset/encoding (cdr charset/encoding)))
+            (return-from content-type-and-charset (values ctype charset/encoding))))))))
+(defun araneida-send-headers (response body-length)
    (let (content-type content-type/charset content-length expires cache-control location refresh
-        pragma set-cookie conditional www-authenticate last-modified extra-headers)
-  (dolist* ((&whole header-cons name . value) (headers r))
+        pragma set-cookie conditional www-authenticate last-modified extra-headers
+        (status (assoc "Status" (headers response) :test #'string-equal)))
+  (dolist* ((&whole header-cons name . value) (headers response))
      (switch (name :test #'string-equal)
         (multiple-value-bind (type attributes)
              (rfc2388:parse-header-value value)
@@ -178,21 +230,23 @@
        ("Conditional"      (setf conditional      value))
        ("WWW-Authenticate" (setf www-authenticate value))
        ("Last-Modified"    (setf last-modified    value))
        (t (push header-cons extra-headers))))
-  (let ((content (if (starts-with content-type "text")
-                     (string-to-octets (get-output-stream-string (html-stream r))
-                                       (switch (content-type/charset :test #'string=)
-                                         ("UTF-8" :utf-8)
-                                         (("latin-1" "iso-8859-1") :iso-8859-1)
-                                         (t :us-ascii)))
-                     ;; um, it's not text. this is really wrong
-                     (string-to-octets (get-output-stream-string (html-stream r))
-                                       :iso-8859-1))))
-    (araneida:request-send-headers (request r)
-                                   :response-code (cdr (assoc "Status" (headers r) :test #'string-equal))
+    (assert (listp status) (status) "Response header 'status' cannot be empty.")
+    (or content-length
+        body-length
+        (warn "! content length unknown.~%"))
+    (handler-bind ((condition (lambda (condition)
+                              (format t "~%!! request-send-headers error.~%~%")
+                              (describe condition)
+                              (format t "condition type: ~a~%" (type-of condition))
+                              (invoke-debugger condition))))
+        (araneida:request-send-headers (request response)
+                                   :response-code          (cdr status)
                                     :content-type (or content-type "text/html")
-                                   :content-length (or content-length (length content))
+                                   :content-length         (or content-length body-length 0)
                                     :expires expires
                                     :cache-control cache-control
                                     :location location
                                     :refresh refresh
@@ -200,16 +254,59 @@
                                     :set-cookie set-cookie
                                     :conditional conditional
                                     :www-authenticate www-authenticate
                                     :last-modified last-modified
-                                   :extra-http-headers extra-headers)
-    (write-sequence content (araneida:request-stream (request r))))))
+                                   :extra-http-headers     extra-headers))))
+(defmethod send-response ((response araneida-response))
+  (shutdown response))
+(defmethod shutdown ((resp araneida-response))
+ (multiple-value-bind (content-type content-type/charset)
+        (content-type-and-charset resp)
+  (let* ((s (get-output-stream-string (html-stream resp)))
+        (content (if (starts-with content-type "text")
+                     (string-to-octets s
+                                       (switch (content-type/charset :test #'string=)
+                                         ("UTF-8" :utf-8)
+                                         (("latin-1" "iso-8859-1") :iso-8859-1)
+                                         (t :us-ascii)))
+                     ;; um, it's not text. this is really wrong
+                     (string-to-octets (get-output-stream-string (html-stream resp))
+                                       :iso-8859-1))))
+    (araneida-send-headers resp (length content))
+    (handler-bind ((condition (lambda (condition)
+                              (format t "~%!! write-sequence error.~%~%")
+                              (describe condition)
+                              (format t "condition type: ~a~%" (type-of condition))
+                              (catch 'abort-action
+                                (format t "~a~%~%" (collect-backtrace condition)))
+                              (invoke-debugger condition))))
+      (let ((stream (araneida:request-stream (request resp))))
+          (write-binary-sequence content stream))))))

  (defmethod make-backend ((backend araneida:http-listener) &key host port)
    (make-instance 'ucw:araneida-backend
                   :listener backend
                   :default-url (araneida:make-url :scheme "http" :host host :port port)))

+(defun make-binary-stream (araneida-request-obj)
+  (let ((stream (araneida:request-stream araneida-request-obj)))
+   #+clisp (unless (equal (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8))
+                    (setf (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+     stream
+     ))
+(defmethod network-stream ((response araneida-response))
+  (make-binary-stream (request response)))
+(defmethod network-stream ((request araneida-request))
+  (make-binary-stream (request request)))
+(defmethod network-stream ((request araneida:request))
+  (make-binary-stream request))
  ;; Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Edward Marco Baringer
  ;; All rights reserved.
  ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
diff -Narbdwt -u4 -x '*.fas' -x '*.lib' -x _darcs -x docs -x bin -x 'READ*' -I '^\s*;' TMP/ucw_dev.clean/src/backend/common.lisp ucw_dev/src/backend/common.lisp
--- TMP/ucw_dev.clean/src/backend/common.lisp	2006-06-02 07:06:59.390625000 -0400
+++ ucw_dev/src/backend/common.lisp	2006-06-09 17:58:35.823250000 -0400
@@ -147,13 +157,14 @@
                                                           ("css"  "text/css")
                                                           (t "text/plain")))
                (get-header response "Content-Length") (princ-to-string (file-length file)))
          (send-headers response)
+        (ucw.rerl.server.dribble "defserve: serve-file: sent headers.")
              with buffer = (make-array 8192 :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
              for end-pos = (read-sequence buffer file)
              until (zerop end-pos) do
-            (write-sequence buffer (network-stream request) :end end-pos))))
+            (write-binary-sequence buffer (network-stream request) :end end-pos))))

    (defserve (serve-sequence (sequence &key
                                        (request (context.request *context*))
                                        (response (context.response *context*))
@@ -169,9 +180,30 @@
        (setf (get-header response "Content-Type") content-type
              (get-header response "Content-Length") (princ-to-string (length bytes)))
        (send-headers response)
-      (write-sequence bytes (network-stream request)))))
+      (write-binary-sequence bytes (network-stream request)))))
+(defun write-binary-sequence (sequence stream &rest rest &key (start 0) (end nil))
+  (declare (ignore start end))
+    (handler-bind ((condition (lambda (condition)
+                                (if nil
+                                  (progn
+                                        (format t "~%!!! write-binary-sequence error.~%~%")
+                                        (describe condition)
+                                        (format t "condition type: ~a~%" (type-of condition))
+                                        (catch 'abort-action
+                                                (format t "~a~%~%" (collect-backtrace condition)))
+                                        (invoke-debugger condition))
+                                  (warn "- null sequence sent to output stream.")))))
+      (if (null sequence)
+        (signal 'null-content)
+        (progn
+           ; cannot send binary data to character socket (must be made binary socket)
+           #+clisp (unless (equal (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8))
+                            (setf (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+           (apply #'write-sequence sequence stream rest)))))

  ;;;; Parsing HTTP request bodies.

  ;;;; The httpd, mod_lisp and araneida backends use this code.

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