[Bese-devel] New patches to ucw_ajax: 15-Jul-2006

Marco Baringer mbaringer at common-lisp.net
Sun Jul 16 04:30:10 UTC 2006

Sat Jul 15 15:43:50 EDT 2006  attila.lendvai at gmail.com
  * Some more AJAX rendering infrastructure for later patches

    M ./src/components/ajax.lisp -10 +43
    M ./src/packages.lisp +2

Sat Jul 15 13:01:18 EDT 2006  attila.lendvai at gmail.com
  * Added a dojo-tab-container example

    M ./examples/examples.lisp +26
    M ./examples/sum.lisp -3 +3

Sat Jul 15 12:59:46 EDT 2006  attila.lendvai at gmail.com
  * Added dojo-widgets.lisp

    M ./etc/ucw.profile.js +3
    A ./src/components/dojo-widgets.lisp
    M ./src/packages.lisp +8
    M ./src/per-application-parenscript.lisp -1 +5
    M ./src/yaclml/ucw-tags.lisp -4 +6
    M ./ucw.asd +1
    M ./wwwroot/ucw/ucw.css +4

Sat Jul 15 12:57:50 EDT 2006  attila.lendvai at gmail.com
  * Updated dojo.js, included TabContainer templates

    M ./wwwroot/dojo/dojo.js
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/HtmlTabContainer.css
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/HtmlTabContainer.html
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_bot_left.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_bot_left_curr.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_bot_right.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_bot_right_curr.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_close.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_close_h.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_left.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_left_r.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_left_r_curr.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_right.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_right_r.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_right_r_curr.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_top_left.gif
    A ./wwwroot/dojo/src/widget/templates/images/tab_top_right.gif

Sat Jul 15 07:53:53 EDT 2006  attila.lendvai at gmail.com
  * It's not a smart idea to isolate entry point actions...

    M ./src/rerl/standard-dispatcher.lisp -1 +2

Sat Jul 15 07:53:08 EDT 2006  attila.lendvai at gmail.com
  * Better error reporting in the client side JS

    M ./src/per-application-parenscript.lisp -29 +34

Sat Jul 15 07:39:27 EDT 2006  attila.lendvai at gmail.com
  * Added render-widget-wrapper
  widget-component renders its wrapper tag in :wrap-around. this is the first method that
  is called and in least-specific-first order, so it was not possible to further
  wrap a widget.
  the upcoming dojo-widgets need finer control on this wrapping, therefore this
  method was introduced. i'm not too happy with this change, but i can't think of any other
  solution. the dojo widgets render two levels of wrapping, one for the dojo widget and
  most of the time when the dojo widget is also a simple widget then another level for
  the simple widget. the problem comes with ajax, because it's not allowed to replace
  the dom node of the dojo widget, so we must render a dojo widget so that the widget
  div is not rendered when ajax rendering is in progress, so the client side will replace
  the inner wrapper rendered by the simple widget. ehh, long story...

    M ./src/components/widget.lisp -7 +18

An updated tarball of ucw_ajax's source can be downloaded here:

Darcsweb URL:

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