[Bese-devel] say a warm welcome to ucw+, event-based ucw implementing ajax.

Evrim ULU evrim at core.gen.tr
Wed Jul 12 16:48:49 UTC 2006

Lou Vanek wrote:

> wow!
> it took me awhile to process and integrate, but with not too much
> effort it seems to do everything you say.
> I've appended a new 02_dom file to get around an IE7b3 security
> constraint. IE7 uses mime sniffing
> (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/mangxpsp2/mngieps.mspx)
> so trying to load an ajax 'text/html' response in ie7 will immediately
> abort if
> a javascript tag is parsed at read time. The 02 file also corrects
> the problem of accidentally inserting a whitespace dom node instead of
> the nodeType 1 dom node that contains the actual html/script/css.
Ok great, yesterday we've been discussing this on Irc with oudelis and
to make this work on safari, similar thing must be applied to style
node. I'll try to fix this during this week and after that, it'll work
on ie6, moz, ff, safarai which is i think enough.

Thanks fo rfeedback.


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