[Bese-devel] presentations.lisp

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 23:10:34 UTC 2006

> I've noticed that there is no ":" before "instance" (for initializing arguments).

one of the attached patches fixes this and other typos in presentation.lisp.

the other patch is for yaclml, to print list attribute values as a
space separated list (hint: cool for multiple css classes; patch for
presentations.lisp will follow).

happy coding,

- attila

(alias 101 on irc &no 'its not lisp code :)

PS: gmail is tricking me. i might have sent a mail similar to this
before. if so then the yaclml patch in that mail uses non-applied
iterate patches - i've fixed that in this version.
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