[Bese-devel] Re: some problems getting FiveAM to load...

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Sun Jan 22 15:39:04 UTC 2006

Gary King wrote:
> I was trying to look at FiveAM yesterday and didn't have much luck. The
> stable version was a 404 and the development version wouldn't load on
> any of the four lisps I tried. Here are some of the details:

you decided to check out fiveam just minutes after i broke it :(

> Allegro 7.0

this is due to a badly implemented change i made to the signals macro.
Grab the 'Fix api-breakage in SIGNALS' patch from the darcs repo.


odd. Using SBCL (and the recently fixed fiveam code) i was able
to load fiveam and the test suite ran successfully.

> OpenMCL:

as with allegro this is due to a mistake on my part. the latest code
should fix it.

> [snip]
> (this is due to the with-run-state macro being undefined ... I could not
> find this macro in the sources).

the with-run-state macro is defined by the call to
def-special-environment in fiveam/src/check.lisp. i'm somewhat at a lost
as to what's going on. is asdf trying to compile the code before loading
the check.lisp file?

> This check out was done yesterday.
> Advice? Help? Thanks!

thanks for the comprehensive reporting! if the latest fiveam code works
for you i'll make a tarball and release it as fiveam 2.0.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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