[Bese-devel] How to use javascript?

Alberto Santini albertosantini at tiscali.it
Tue Jan 17 22:49:42 UTC 2006


I didn't understand how to use a javascript. If I hava a javascript,
how to call a function from ucw code?

I know I can "define" a javascript in a component
using :javascript keyword.

For instance

(defcomponent start-page (simple-window-component)
   ((body :initarg :body
          :accessor start-page.body
          :initform nil
          :component my-login))
   (:metaclass standard-component-class)
   (:default-initargs :title "ChessWeb" :javascript "ltpgnviewer.js"))

Then, how can I use the functions defined in my javascript?

Or have I to use a TAL page inserting my javascript?

Thanks in advance,
Alberto Santini

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