[Bese-devel] accessing the url

Evrim ULU evrim at core.gen.tr
Tue Feb 28 19:38:45 UTC 2006

Daniel Patru wrote:

> How can I access the URL of a request within a render method?
> I tried printing it out with:
> (<:p (ucw::query-path (ucw::context.request *context*))),
> but all I get are the paragraph tags.

Some time ago, like other people, i've asked the same question to me,
afterwards, i've realized that i also need to parse the url. below code
may help. its ugly though.


(defentry-point "^(|[0-9]*.core)$" (:application core-app
                            :class 'regexp-entry-point) ()
    (let* ((uri (ucw::raw-uri (ucw::context.request *context*)))
       (seqs (split-sequence:split-sequence #\/ uri
:remove-empty-subseqs t))
       (current-entry-point (car (last seqs)))
       (endpos (search ".core" current-entry-point :from-end t))
       (linkname (subseq current-entry-point 0 endpos))
       (current-index (1- (parse-integer linkname :junk-allowed t)))
       (content-length (length (coretal.contents
(core-application.coretal (ucw::context.application *context*))))))
      (if (and (> current-index 0) (< current-index content-length))
      (let* ((widgets (application-content-widgets))
         (container (make-instance 'content-container-widget
                       :components widgets)))
        (setf (container.current-component container) (nth current-index
        (jump 'main-window :body container))
      (call 'main-window))))

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