[Bese-devel] bug in ucw_ajax expand-action-attribute

mrd mdanish at andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Aug 20 04:50:26 UTC 2006

Expanding further on my previous e-mail, I realized that the current
code will cause tons of trouble when you try to use ucw:ajax-action
in anything but an anchor.

This should probably be redesigned at some point to be actually
extensible, still, for now:

hunk ./src/yaclml/tal.lisp 67
-            `((<ucw:input :action-body ,action ,@(cdar tag)) ,@(cdr tag)))
+            `((<ucw:input , at action-params ,action ,@(cdar tag)) ,@(cdr tag)))
+         ((<ucw:button)
+            `((<ucw:button , at action-params ,@(cdar tag)) ,@(cdr tag)))
hunk ./src/yaclml/tal.lisp 71
-            `((<ucw:form :action-body ,action ,@(cdar tag)) ,@(cdr tag))))))))
+            `((<ucw:form , at action-params ,@(cdar tag)) ,@(cdr tag))))))))

;; Matthew Danish -- user: mrd domain: cmu.edu
;; OpenPGP public key: C24B6010 on keyring.debian.org

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