[Bese-devel] Re: examples entry point, error message text

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Thu Sep 22 18:44:19 UTC 2005

Gerd Flaig <gefla at pond.sub.org> writes:

> tested with Cmucl and Araneida backend. Works, minus a minor glitch:
> The stylesheet isn't found, i.e.
> produces an error. Same goes for favicon.ico.
> When I go to , I get
>    UCW Administration.
>    // 

odd. after inital debugging it looks like we're having form problems

> .. and
>    Condition IT.BESE.UCW::INEXISTENT-ENTRY-POINT was signalled.
>       [Condition of type IT.BESE.UCW::INEXISTENT-ENTRY-POINT]
> is displayed when the browser requests favicon.ico. Maybe there's a
> conflict between ucw query paths and static file query paths?

this is ok, we don't have a favicon.ico file (if someone with graphics
smarts wants to create one i'd be happy to add it). anybody up for
creating a ucw logo?

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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