[Bese-devel] questions

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Tue Sep 20 07:53:57 UTC 2005

Two questions, again any guidance is very much appreciated.

1. Is there a good way to initialize form elements? At present, if I
   create a form component containing a number of form elements, I can't
   just use initargs to pass values to the elements when creating the
   component -- obviously, since the form elements are classes

   Basically, I'm looking for a way to do 
      (call 'settings-dialog :first-name "blah" :last-name "blah")
   where first-name and last-name are initargs for :component slots in
   the form component settings-dialog.

   This is probably something that falls into "think of a good way to do
   it and implement it yourself" category -- right?

2. I would like to have the capability of creating a "modal" component,
   one that would take over the entire browser window when called. I
   could probably do that by adding yet-another-container on the top
   level, but is there a better way? I'm probably missing something.

BTW, debugging UCW apps is a *real* pain. I can't seem to read anything
out of the backtraces that I get, so it's really mostly guesswork...


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