[Bese-devel] UCW Installation

Waldo Rubinstein waldo at trianet.net
Sat Sep 10 15:30:27 UTC 2005

On Sep 6, 2005, at 10:59 AM, Asbjørn Bjørnstad wrote:

> On 06 Sep 2005, at 4:02 PM, Marco Baringer wrote:
>> Waldo Rubinstein <waldo at trianet.net> writes:
>>> 2) After it finally compiled everything, the console shows:
>>> WARNING: Can't start slime server due to lack of threads.
>>> 2005-09-05T23:21.50 +INFO+ IT.BESE.UCW::UCW-LOGGER: Starting up
>>> standard server #<STANDARD-SERVER HTTPD-BACKEND 2 {405B71C9}>.
>>> I don't necessarily know what the WARNING means, however, looking at
>>> the next line, seems to indicate the server is running.
>> this is just a fyi telling the user that they can't slime-connect.  
>> you
>> can safely ignore it (or use a lisp which has threads).
> Doesn't it also mean that you will only be able to handle one
> request at a time? (Which may or may not be a problem, but good
> to be aware of. (Don't run off and do something that takes a
> long time.))
> -- 
>   -asbjxrn

This would be crazy? Is this normal behavior?

- Waldo

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