[Bese-devel] ucw_dev + arnesi_dev on win32 / lispworks 4.45

Mac Chan emailmac at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 01:14:49 UTC 2005

Thank you very much, Asbjørn.

It's working now. I don't know how you can make sense out of the
traces :-) I need to keep learning.

With Edi's lw-add-on and lw-doc, it's much easily to learn ucw's
source code using system browser and class browser.

Marco, could you apply the diff? Thanks.

BTW, I notice that there are tabs in some of the files and it wouldn't
indent properly when using different editors (most emacs user use
tab-width 4, lispworks and others by default use 8)

Could we prepend / append a mode line in all source file? (use
whatever tab-width that you are currently using)

;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-

Index: arnesi_dev/src/lexenv.lisp
--- arnesi_dev/src/lexenv.lisp	(revision 239)
+++ arnesi_dev/src/lexenv.lisp	(revision 301)
@@ -222,15 +222,15 @@
                        (macro-function (car fenv) environment))
                      (slot-value environment 'compiler::fenv))))

-#+(and lispworks linux)
+#+(and lispworks (or win32 linux))
 (defmethod environment-p ((environment lexical::environment))

-#+(and lispworks linux)
+#+(and lispworks (or win32 linux))
 (defmethod lexical-variables ((environment lexical::environment))
   (mapcar #'car (slot-value environment 'lexical::variables)))

-#+(and lispworks linux)
+#+(and lispworks (or win32 linux))
 (defmethod lexical-functions ((environment lexical::environment))
   (mapcar #'car (slot-value environment 'lexical::functions)))

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