[Bese-devel] UCW for beginners

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Sat Oct 1 17:02:34 UTC 2005

Waldo Rubinstein <waldo at trianet.net> writes:

> As I'm learning more about Lisp and UCW and have been documenting all
> along my findings, I decided to formalize what I have learned/done so
> far and contribute it to the community. Since this is something I
> decided just now, I don't even have version 0.01 available yet.

wow, that would be very cool. 

> What I'm trying to do is help improve the existing UCW documentation
> along with additional information I've learned myself and through the
> list activity. So, I have a few questions/requests:
> 1) I remember about a couple of weeks ago there was a discussion to
>    make a wiki for UCW et al. Last I remember was Marco pointing out
>    the  following http://lisp.tech.coop/index. Does anyone know the
>    status of  this site and its transformation into a "mostly related
>    to UCW and  Lisp on Lines" site?

i've been very busy lately and haven't had the time to work on this,
though it is on my todo list.

> 2) What is the status of Lisp on Lines and where can I find more
>    information about it other than the generic information on
>    cliki.net?

afaik lisp-on-lines is in production use, the only documentation i
know of is the source code.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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