[Bese-devel] ucw + clsql

Alexander Kjeldaas alexander.kjeldaas at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 23:27:02 UTC 2005

Starting ucw, and then doing a  (require :clsql) or (asdf:oos
'asdf:load-op :clsql), the example start page will stop working and
print the following error:

When attempting to read the slot's value (slot-value), the slot
IT.BESE.UCW-USER::TIME-FIELD is missing from the object NIL.

OR the following message

When attempting to read the slot's value (slot-value), the slot
IT.BESE.UCW-USER::INTEGER-FIELD is missing from the object NIL.

latest ucw from cvs
clsql 3.4.3

Does this make sense?


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