[Bese-devel] defaction/dotimes bug?

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Mon Nov 14 18:48:05 UTC 2005

asbjxrn at bjxrnstad.net writes:

> Is this expected? Using dolist within an action causes an error for 
> me. 
> (defaction test-form ((pane message-box))
>   (call 'info-message :message (format nil "~A" (call 'test-form ))))
> (defcomponent test-form (form-element)
>   ((top-pane :initarg :top-pane :accessor top-pane)
>    (foo :initarg :foo :accessor foo :component (integer-element))))
> (defmethod render ((pane test-form))
>   (<ucw:form :action (submit pane)
>              (render (foo pane))
>    (<:input :type :submit)))
> (defun foob (x)
>   (dolist (hum '(1 2 3) x)
>     (incf x)))
> (defaction submit ((pane test-form))
>   (if (validp pane)
>     (let ((bar (lisp-value (foo pane))))
> ;      (answer (dolist (hum '(1 2 3) bar) (incf bar))))))  ; Bug?
>       (answer (foob bar)))))

i can't reproduce this on openmcl. what lisp are you using? what's the

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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