[Bese-devel] feature requests

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Tue Nov 8 18:16:36 UTC 2005

Jan Rychter <jan at rychter.com> writes:

> Quoting Marco, "Ask and ye shall receive" -- I have two feature
> requests.

you guys are so spoiled :)

> One: I'd like to have an exported function that I could call that would
> generate an action URL and return it as a string. Purpose: to pass it to
> Java applets as in:

(defun action-href (action-lambda
                    &key (component (context.window-component *context*))
                         (frame (context.current-frame *context*)))
  "Given a lambda returns a URL (as a string) which will call
the lambda.

The COMPONENT parameter is passed directly to COMPUTE-URL, FRAME
is passed to MAKE-NEW-ACTION."

> Two: could we please have an <:applet tag in yaclml?

added <:applet and <:param

Aleksandar Bakic <a_bakic at yahoo.com> writes:

> I have one, too :) How about adding a trace facility for call/cc code?
> *debug-evaluate/cc* produces huge amounts of unreadable output...

*trace-cc* is a little bit better (but not a while lot). suggestions
 welcome (i hate *debug-evaluate/cc* just as much as anyone)

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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