[Bese-devel] feature requests

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Mon Nov 7 12:43:36 UTC 2005

Quoting Marco, "Ask and ye shall receive" -- I have two feature

One: I'd like to have an exported function that I could call that would
generate an action URL and return it as a string. Purpose: to pass it to
Java applets as in:

(<:param :name "appletcloseurl"  
         :value (ucw::print-uri-to-string
		  (ucw::compute-url ucw::*current-component*
			       :action-id (ucw::make-new-action (ucw::context.current-frame *context*)
							   (lambda ()
							       (close component)))))))

Two: could we please have an <:applet tag in yaclml?


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