[Bese-devel] <ucw:a :action problem

Tonguc Yumruk tongucyumruk at member.fsf.org
Thu Nov 3 08:37:12 UTC 2005


I'm writing a little blogging application to learn how to use clsql and
UCW. I have a little problem with my action though, and I just can't see
why it is happening. When I define an action, and use it by (<ucw:a
:action (get-entry (id entry))) it gives me an error saying that
it.bese.ucw::place slot is unbound. The problematic parts of the code

(defaction get-entry ((e blog-entry) entry-id)
  (call 'blog-page :entry-id entry-id))

(defmethod render-on ((res response) (entry blog-entry))
  (<:p :class "entry-title" (<ucw:a :action (ok entry) (<:as-html (title
  (<:p :class "entry-body" (<:as-is (body entry)))
  (<:p :class "entry-date" (<:as-html (date entry))))

The whole source code is at: http://tonguc.ath.cx/blog.lisp

I'm using sbcl 0.9.4 with ucw 0.3.9 on Debian GNU/Linux Sarge with the
default httpd backend.

Love Respect GNU/Linux
"The C Programming Language -- A language which combines the flexibility of
assembly language with the power of assembly language."
Tonguç Yumruk
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