[Bese-devel] request for comments: qbook

Alan Shutko ats at acm.org
Thu Mar 10 18:14:02 UTC 2005

"Marco Baringer" <mb at bese.it> writes:

> nb: it's not so the quality of the documentation i'm worried about (i
> know that sucks). what i'd like to know is if the format works or not
> (compared to the latex thing we have now). 

The major problem I have is that the text takes about a third of my
1600-pixel-wide screen, and some of the code has horizontal scroll
bars.  If the widths were fixed (so that I didn't have to scroll code
blocks and it could be printed) I'd say it's an ok format.

Alan Shutko <ats at acm.org> - I am the rocks.

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