[Bese-devel] ucw available through darcs

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Thu Mar 3 10:19:52 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Marco" == Marco Baringer <mb at bese.it> writes:
 Marco> in the hopes of making ucw as easy as possible to work with (and
 Marco> to send me your changes), i've created a darcs repo for ucw:

 Marco> http://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/_darcs/ucw
 Marco> not withstanding this excursion into darcs land i want every to
 Marco> know that the official source for ucw is the arch repository. i
 Marco> will keep the darcs repo synchronized (though it may lag a bit)
 Marco> and i'll accept darcs patches, but we're not switching over to
 Marco> darcs.

 Marco> p.s. - this is my first attempt at setting up darcs, comments
 Marco> welcome.

It doesn't seem to be updated -- which is a real pity. Any chance this
could be fixed?

Some of us find tla/arch a major pain to use. Darcs is delightfully
simple and I believe the subset of arch functionality that UCW needs
fits easily within what darcs has to offer.

I'd much rather keep track of arnesi, yaclml and ucw using darcs than


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