[Bese-devel] SBCL and UCW

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Fri Jun 10 14:43:34 UTC 2005

Friedrich Dominicus <frido at q-software-solutions.de> writes:

> Well I'm stuck a bit. I compiled UCW with SBCL and that went
> fine.

did it complete without errors? maybe you've already done this, but:
using slime's slime-repl-load-system (,l shortcut) you get a buffer
with all the compilation notes/wornings and errors.

> I modified start.lisp as suggested in the README but while accessing 
> I get:
> The value "ucw/examples/counter.tal" is not of type (OR FUNCTION SYMBOL).
>    [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]
> Restarts:
>   0: [SHOW-BACKTRACE] Send the client a backtrace page.
>   1: [RETRY] Clearout the response and retry calling the action.
>   2: [SERVER-ERROR] Send the client an internal server error page.
>   3: [ABORT-RESPONSE] Abort this response and answer another request
>   4: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.
> Well I see that it's not a symbol or a function but what do I have to
> change to make that work?

that's on excellent question.

the only place "ucw/examples/counter.tal" appears is as a default init
arg to template name in counter.lisp.  the question is: why in God's
name is someone trying to funcall or apply "ucw/examples/counter.tal"?
(i'm assuming this is the error due to the expected type in the
backtrace). The first thing that comes to mind is that, somehow, the
expansion of defcomponent went horribly. so, wolud you mind deleting
all the fasls and recompiling? if the issue persists could i get a
complete backtrace?

p.s. - i'm often on #ucw at freenode.net if you want to do some remote debugging

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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