[Bese-devel] How to get mod_lisp talking to cmucl ? where to find (start-apache-listener)

Marco Simon marco_simon at web.de
Thu Jul 28 21:44:28 UTC 2005

Hi list,

first of all: I'm quite a lisp beginner !

I'm acually trying to set up an web application
based on lisp and mod_lisp. This should be the
first step on my way to an UCweb environment.

So I set up my apache 1.3 with the mod_lisp module,
configured the httpd.conf and tried to get the apache
talking with my installed cmucl-lisp on my debian-sarge

I followed the steps at http://lisp.t2100cdt.kippona.net/lispy/home.

What I didn't understand so far is:
Where does the (start-apache-listener) function come from ?
Because my cmucl-lisp doesn't seem to know this function.
I think this function is the missing step for getting my lips-process
listening on port 3000, where mod_lisp sends its request to.
Is this function part of any library, or where can I call it from ?

Thanks for any hints in advance,

best regards

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