[Bese-devel] stylesheets.css and mod-lisp

R. Joseph Wright joseph at mammalia.net
Thu Jul 21 05:07:59 UTC 2005

I'm testing out UCW with mod-lisp, and I haven't been able to get the  
stylesheet to work in the examples directory without creating a  
symlink to *ucw-tal-root* in Apache's DocumentRoot.  Is this the  
standard way?  I have the following Location directive in http.conf,  
and I thought if that was there then lisp would hand whichever  
documents necessary under that directory to apache.

<Location "/ucw/examples/">
    SetHandler lisp-handler

(\_/)  Joseph
(o,o)  Those are my principles.  If you don't like them I have others.
()_()   --Groucho Marx
  " "

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