[Bese-devel] clisp and araneida (and windows)

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Wed Jan 19 17:38:21 UTC 2005

in the past few todays i've commited patches (patch-184 through
patch-190) allowing ucw to run on clisp (latest cvs only) and using
araneida (0.9) as a backend. what this means (and the reason i did it)
is that you can now deploy your ucw apps on windows servers.

the code works but hasn't been tested much [just enough to pass the
demo i did today with ucw + araneida + clisp on win2k]. supporting
clisp was fairly painless (after figuring out that clisp deals with
some corner cases of the mop in interesting ways). supporting araneida
required a fairly large change to the server vs. backend
protocol. previously we simply registered an app with a server and
that was that, now apps are no longer registered but each individual
entry-point is. a nice concequence of this is that we now have a
publish-directory function (only implemnted for araneida) and GET
/favicon.ico non longer bombs ucw (on aserve and araneida at
least). this change also fixed a bug inthe aserve backend whereby
entry-points were required to end in ".ucw". nothing has changed as
far as mod_lisp is concerned.

p.s. - if anyone is interested in testing ucw on windows and doesn't
want to build clisp from cvs (which took me 30 minutes + 100MB (not
counting cygwin)) i have a 2.6MB tar ball containing clisp.exe and the
bare minimum cygwin dlls required to run it.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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