[Bese-devel] passing form inputs directly to actions

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Sun Feb 27 11:42:08 UTC 2005

i discovered this 'trick' a while ago and i figured i'd share it:

genrally all the inputs of a form are tied to slots in a component
like so:

(defcomponent my-form ()
  ((input :accessor input)))

(defmethod render-on ...
  (<ucw:input :accessor (input component))

  (<ucw:input :type "submit" :action (whatever c))

(defaction whatever ((c component))
  (do-stuyf-with-input (input c)))

often we'd have a component whose slots served only to hold the values
of the form. this always looked kind of ugly and i kept trying to find
some way to work around it, here it is:

(defcomponent my-form ()

(defmethod render-on ...
  (let ((input ""))
    (<ucw:input :accessor input)
    (<ucw:input :type "submit" :action (whatever c input))))

(defaction whatever ((c component) input)
  (do-stuff-with-input input))

using this trick we get slightly cleaner componnets (no "place holder"
slots) at the expense of backtracking. more often the not this is a
good trade off.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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