[Bese-devel] Re: ucw 0.3.6pre1

rm at fabula.de rm at fabula.de
Tue Feb 8 16:40:37 UTC 2005

On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 10:29:20AM -0600, Alan Shutko wrote:
> rm at fabula.de writes:
> >  - this probably means that part of the "website/app" resides close to
> >    the ucw application (whereever TALs et.al. are put) and another part
> >    is within the (virtual) servers document root. I kind of like the idea
> >    of keeping an application in one place (like tomcats WEBAPP).
> Actually, I was hoping to avoid that problem.  If UCW can generate the
> right httpd.conf entries for an application (as Tomcat can do for
> mod_jk or whatever the current connector is), it should be able to
> specify by specific pages what goes where.  
> >  - Apache's delegation to a handler can be either URL based (with
> >  the Location directive) orfile system path based (which doesn't
> >  really work for dynamic content as is the case with mod_lisp). How
> >  should Apache "know" that the request for /ucw/examples/index.ucw
> >  needs to be send to the mod_lisp peer but
> >  /ucw/examples/stylesheet.css not?
> Ideally, I'd have the httpd.conf snippet specify what pages are static
> and what pages go to a handler.  Probably by full URLs.

Hmm, but that's pretty tricky on a per-file basis. One _could_ emit configuration
statements to be used by mod_rewrite but that's a clumsy kludgi IMHO (nd not 
really an option for "real" websites with lots of graphics and static content).
Anyway, since  we were talking about publish-directory: why not put the stylesheet(s)
into a subdirectory (say css/stylesheet.css) - that would make dispatch on the Apache-
side much simpler ...

 cheers RalfD

> -- 
> Alan Shutko <ats at acm.org> - I am the rocks.
> The dough NEVER stops here.
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