[Bese-devel] "Memoized" One time actions.

Drew Crampsie drewc at tech.coop
Fri Feb 4 09:10:39 UTC 2005

In the midst of the great "fight for continuations" that is being waged 
by the faithful on c.l.l, an infidel of unpure heart said :

 > Also, if I add an entry to the clipboard, then open a new window, the
 > same entry gets added again, once for each time that same URL gets
 > hit. It seems that these operations or "actions" are not
 > idempotent. Is that intentional?

And damnit, he was right. I don't know if UCW solves this problem, but 
it wasn't hard to implement, so i fought back:

(defclass memoize-component ()
   ((memos :initarg :memos :accessor memos :initform (make-hash-table 
:test #'equalp)))
   (:metaclass standard-component-class))

(defaction run-memo ((m memoize-component) fun &rest args)
   (let* ((memo-id
       (concatenate 'string
                (ucw::find-session-id *context*)
                (ucw::find-frame-id *context*)
                (ucw::find-action-id *context*)))
      (memo (gethash memo-id (memos m))))
     (or memo
     (setf (gethash memo-id (memos m)) (apply fun args)))))

(defmacro defaction-memoize (name args &body body)
   (let ((fun (concatenate 'string
               (string name)
               (string (gensym)))))
        (defaction ,(intern fun) ,args
      , at body)
        (defaction ,name ,args
      (run-memo ,(caar args) #',(intern fun) ,(caar args) ,@(cdr args))))))

with that done i just add the mixin to my SEARCH-BOX class, and use 
DEFACTION-MEMOIZE rather than DEFACTION for any destructive actions that 
manpulate global state:

(defaction-memoize add-to-clipboard ((search-box 
search-box-with-clipboard) item)
   (setf (clipboard search-box) (cons item (clipboard search-box))))

Which expands like to :

RR-GEO> (macroexpand-1 '(defaction-memoize add-to-clipboard ((search-box 
search-box-with-clipboard) item)
   (call 'info-message :message (ucw::find-action-id *context*))
   (setf (clipboard search-box) (cons item (clipboard search-box)))
             (CALL 'INFO-MESSAGE
                   (IT.BESE.UCW::FIND-ACTION-ID *CONTEXT*))

I had to create a named function because of the CPS transformer (my 
first vesion used a lambda, but didn't work with actions), but it's 
essentially Paul Grahams memoize macro, only keyed on a continuation id 
rather than the arguments. This way the action will can be called 
multiple times, just not from the exact same page.


if it's desirable to have this as part of UCW proper, we could probably 
do it as a method combination keyword like :

(defaction foo :memoize ((self class)) '())

And there has to be a better solution than that named function :)

Also, dolph on IRC noticed a bug in my installation, the arenida backend 
  is returning NIL as the http status code. I hard coded it to 200 here, 
and that works fine, but is probably not desired. I don't know enough 
about the backend to continue.


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