[Bese-devel] Some patches for parenscript

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Mon Dec 19 16:01:39 UTC 2005

Henrik Hjelte <henrik.hjelte at poboxes.com> writes:

> Here are some patches for ParenScript:

nice, very nice.

> In order to make it less scary to change stuff, 
> I have made a function to make testcases of all the
> code which is in the reference. So the file reference-tests.lisp
> is autogenerated.

excellent idea.

> Then I cleaned the reference.lisp file from small typos and errors.
> The css generator that is in the parenscript project is lisp
> server-side, so I made a corresponding little css generator that makes
> it possible to generate style tags in parenscript.
> A bug in the function dwim-join (see the testcase in test.lisp) was
> solved. The dwim-join function is not easy to understand, I hope I have
> not created any new problems, but the reference tests run OK.   
> Finally, what I consider a bug in the parenscript slot-value function
> was solved. See the testcases in test.lisp.
> The pdf reference really ought to be updated, but I don't know latex so
> I couldn't get the pbook script to work, I think there are some styles
> missing.

i haven't looked at the pbook stuff lately but once upon a time i was
able to build the docs.

> Merry christmas everyone,

thanks for the christmas gift!

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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