[Bese-devel] Re: character issues. aka: http is a binary protocol, get over it.

Maciek Pasternacki maciekp at japhy.fnord.org
Thu Dec 15 18:19:35 UTC 2005

On Prickle-Prickle, The Aftermath 57, 3171 YOLD, Marco Baringer wrote:

>> What is wrong about my solution with treating stream as
>> iso-8859-1-encoded string (which is completely equivalent to binary
>> stream), and recoding it when I expect text to be in another charset?
>> On one hand it's a kind of hack, OTOH we work along the RFCs with
>> Latin-1 text, as RFCs state (and as is easier to debug than parsing
>> byte arrays), and after parsing, after all protocol-related work, we
>> re-encode Latin-1 text to encoding expected by us (or decode it to
>> byte arrays).  All encoding issues take place when they won't make
>> trouble, and when they start being actually relevant.  Analogically
>> with encoding reply to send out -- app works with Unicode text, when
>> it starts being encoded in any way, it's being re-coded to transparent
>> Latin-1 not to bother RFC-related code.
> thi idea is fine, but we end up doing the conversion for everything
> the user sends us, whether it's needed or not.  one of my apps works
> with 50MB+ pdf files, converting this data to/from various encodings
> is getting costly (and it's completly useless). unless i'm mistaken
> both string-to-octets and octets-to-string are non-destructive
> functions.

But conversion still happens after rfc2388, so if we deal with large
files and rfc2388 can write to disk now, rfc2388 gives me a pathname
which would not be recoded.

Or, we can work with iso8859-1 cookies and let user recode values as
needed.  Or differentiate it by application.charset (e.g. when
application.charset is nil or :iso-8859-1, no re-encoding takes

__    Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp at japhy.fnord.org> [ http://japhy.fnord.org/ ]
`| _   |_\  /   { Miał rację Sokrates, jest zdumiewająca
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\/   |____/                                          ( Jacek Podsiadło )  -><-

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