[Bese-devel] Got in troubles again

Friedrich Dominicus frido at q-software-solutions.de
Mon Aug 15 10:15:55 UTC 2005

I do not understand what's wrong with the following code:

;;; Just for testing
(defcomponent ir-test (simple-window-component form-component)
  ((num :accessor num 
        :component (integer-range-field :min-value 0 :max-value 20))
   (foo-num :accessor foo-num
            :initarg :foo-num 
            :component (integer-field))))

(defmethod render-on ((res response) (tf ir-test))
  (render-on res (num tf))
  (render-on res (foo-num tf)))

(defentry-point "ti.ucw" (:application *shop*) ()
  (call 'ir-test :foo-num 10))

Error message I got is:
There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
                                    IT.BESE.UCW::SLOT-NAME) {100116B301}>
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

  0: [SHOW-BACKTRACE] Send the client a backtrace page.
  1: [RETRY] Clearout the response and retry calling the action.
  2: [SERVER-ERROR] Send the client an internal server error page.
  3: [GENERATE-BACKTRACE-FOR-EMACS] Generate a bug report in Emacs.
  4: [ABORT-RESPONSE] Abort this response and answer another request
  5: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

It was my impresson that I can put in the same argument to call as I
can for make-intance So what does this ..... error message mean? What
do I have to to get that running? 


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