[Bese-devel] openmcl support

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Mon Aug 8 07:23:41 UTC 2005

UCW's new backtrace stuff triggers a bug in openmcl, you'll need to
add put this to your .openmcl-init or whatever file:

(let ((ccl::*warn-if-redefine-kernel* nil))
  (defun write-a-cons (cons stream level)
    (declare (type cons cons) (type stream stream) (type fixnum level))
    (let ((print-length (get-*print-frob* '*print-length*))
          (level-1 (%i- level 1))
          (head (%car cons))
          (tail (%cdr cons)))
      (declare (type fixnum print-length) (type fixnum level-1))
      (unless (and *print-abbreviate-quote*
                   (write-abbreviate-quote head tail stream level-1))
          (pp-start-block stream #\()
          (if (= print-length 0)
              (%write-string "..." stream)
                (write-internal stream head level-1 nil)
                (write-internal stream tail level-1
                                (if (atom tail)
                                    (%i- print-length 1)))))
          (pp-end-block stream #\)))))))

0.14.4 sholud fix this. 

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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