[Bese-devel] problem with actions
Carlos Ungil
carlos.ungil at bluewin.ch
Mon Aug 1 22:48:32 UTC 2005
I don't understand why the code below is not working. Well, I bet the
code is fine and the problem is only in my expectations. I hope this
will be obvious to someone who can give me a hint.
The test-list component (/test/index.ucw) shows a list of ten items
0..9, and clicking on one of them won't show that number, as I would
like, but all of them display the number 10. I think this is because 10
is the value the of i variable after the loop, and somehow this is the
only value used by the system.
How can I make the display-number actions see the different values of
the variable, and not just the final one? Maybe my approach is
completely wrong. In that case, what is the right construct to get
something like this? What I really want to do is to show a list of
objects, displaying the object when clicking on link.
Thanks [for any help on this, and for making the ucw code available in
the first place!],
(in-package :it.bese.ucw-user)
(defvar *test-application*
(make-instance 'cookie-session-application
:url-prefix "/test/"))
(register-application *default-server* *test-application*)
(defentry-point "index.ucw" (:application *test-application*) ()
(call 'test-list))
(defcomponent test-list (simple-window-component) ())
(defcomponent test-display (simple-window-component)
((number :accessor number :initarg :number)))
(defaction display-number ((c test-list) number)
(call 'test-display :number number))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (app test-list))
(<:ul (loop for i from 0 below 10
do (<:li (<ucw:a :action (display-number app i)
(<:as-html i))))))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (app test-display))
(<:as-html (number app)))
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