[Bese-devel] darcs patch: Lisp startable UCW

Robert Marlow bobstopper at bobturf.org
Mon Aug 1 11:08:23 UTC 2005

Aw, it was nuthin :)

1. The intention wasn't so much to move configuration to ucwctl... it
   was more to make use of create-server which accepts the
   configuration stuff as its arguments. I don't think my changes
   should break the existing start.lisp... I haven't checked
   though. If you don't use ucwctl perhaps your start.lisp files will
   continue to work? Lemme know what it breaks and I'll see if I can
   fix what I've broken. 

   On a related note, would it be more useful to have the config stuff
   put into a separate ucw.conf file? I've written config-file asdf
   loaders before to handle that kinda stuff and it shouldn't be too
   difficult to do the same for UCW though I'd imagine such things
   possibly belong in final applications rather than UCW itself.

2. Go right ahead. Someone else has pointed out get-backend was a crap
   name. I wasn't really thinking too hard about the name when I wrote

At Mon, 01 Aug 2005 12:27:02 +0200,
Marco Baringer wrote:
> Robert Marlow <bobstopper at bobturf.org> writes:
> first off: you rock!
> now, the comments:
> 1) is there a particularl reason you moved a bunch of configuration
>    stuff into ucwctl? i have a few apps which don't use ucwctl (but
>    have their own 'start.lisp' scripts) so i'll need to rewrite the
>    code you've added to ucwctl.
> 2) mind if i rename get-backend to 'make-backend'? i know this may
>    seem trivial but all of our functions which create new stuff are
>    called 'make-XYZ', while the get-XYZ always returns an already
>    existisng object.
> 3) i'm still looking through it so i may come up with other questions.

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