[Bese-devel] darcs patch: Lisp startable UCW

Robert Marlow bobstopper at bobturf.org
Mon Aug 1 05:12:29 UTC 2005

Mon Aug  1 13:07:20 WST 2005  Robert Marlow <bobstopper at bobturf.org>
  * Lisp startable UCW
  This should allow UCW to be easily startable from within lisp rather than 
  from loading lisp start.lisp. The function for doing this is named
  create-server. ucwctl has been changed to make use of the new functionality
  but should work as it did before.
  defentry-point can now be used before its application has been attached 
  to a server - when the application is attached to a server its entry 
  points will then automatically be added. This makes it possible to load 
  up system definitions containing defentry-points without having a running 
  server beforehand. Thus lisp images can then be dumped containing full
  applications rather than just UCW.
  A get-backend method has been defined which creates a backend according
  to its arguments. It is also able to automatically choose a sensible
  default from currently loaded backends. It can also accept an existing,
  running server as a backend in which case it simply wraps it with a
  sensible UCW backend and returns it. This allows UCW applications to be
  attached to already running HTTP servers rather than requiring fresh
  servers be started by UCW. So far it's only been implemented for Araneida.
  I've only really tested the araneida and (briefly) HTTPD backends but the 
  method of starting the backends should be similar to how start.lisp worked
  so I'm hoping I haven't broken anything. 
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