[Bese-devel] On Documentation

marco mb at bese.it
Sun Oct 24 15:03:33 UTC 2004

i've been asking myself the past few days how i should do thingto do things like:

<a href="$(get-file-download-url $file-component)">download your file</a>

and have the value returned by (get-file-download-url $file-component)
be used for the href attribute. i was worrying about what syntax to
chose and how to implement it. turns out tal already supports this via
the ${ and @{ syntax...and it's even documentatied. not only must i
write documentation, not only must i keep it up to date with the
source, i even have to read the stuff every now and then!

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
     -Leonard Cohen

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