[Bese-devel] trees, threads, and places oh my!
Marco Baringer
mb at bese.it
Mon May 3 19:52:13 UTC 2004
ok, that's that. the component-trees branch has been merged into the
main branch (ucw--dev--0.2--patch-72).
changes to look out for:
1) defaction now requires that it's first arg be a component.
2) defaction now binds UCW:SELF to said component.
3) the macros call and answer simply pass UCW:SELF to the generic
functions call-component and answer-component. In those cases
where the component contral doesn't follow the "normal" route,
you'll need to use call-component/answer-component, otherwise
you'll use call and answer just as before.
4) all the entry points need to set the frame's "root" component, the
goto macro (and associated goto-component generic function) do
5) the defcomponent form no longer implictly sets up
standard-component as a super class of the component, this is
probably a mistake.
6) when the global variable *inspect-components* is set to T you get a
link at the bottom of every component allowing you to inspect
it. this is variable can be toggled from the control panel. i'd be
nice to have a link which opens up that component in a slime
inspector, working on it.
7) the transaction example is gone, we really need to rethink
transactions that we've changed the way components interact with
each other. we want a way to have the transaction be tied to a
particular component thread, not the entire frame.
8) the are no longer seperate counter.ucw, hello-world.ucw,
etc. example urls, just go to /ucw/examples/ and chose from the
menu on the left. you'll probably need to change apache's
httpd.conf file to make this url get to ucw.
9) portableaserve may or may not work, i haven't checked. cmucl and
sbcl may or may not work, i haven't checked.
this is going to become ucw 0.2.1 after i make sure that the
portableaserve backend warks, then it'll be time to overhaul the docs.
to anyone who was hoping that i'd get my act together and start using
css to make ucw aesthetically acceptable: nope.
happy hacking,
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen
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