[Bese-devel] Example patches, arch collaberation
Marco Baringer
mb at bese.it
Tue Dec 28 11:10:55 UTC 2004
Chris Capel <pdf23ds at gmail.com> writes:
> I've made a couple changes to example.lisp that I think make it
> clearer. First, I renamed the example component to "example-component"
> instead of "example-app" so that it's clear in the method specializers
> that the source is referencing the component class and not the
> application.
> Second, I added a comment to the defapplication form to explain the
> use of the :server option.
cool. [i had never dawned on me that you could use pass NIL to :server
and use register-application later :)]
> I think the example could use some more improvement. For one, I'm
> mystifyed by the tranasaction example. I played around with it for a
> while and couldn't figure out what a transaction *does*. You might add
> a comment, or make the messages during the transaction more verbose.
i'll do that.
> I published these changes in a mirror of my archive, at
> http://pdf23ds.net/arch/ in the ucw--chris--0.3 branch. If I've
> configured it correctly you should be able to do a star-merge to
> commit it to the main archive (or you could use the set-tree-version
> trick, as I've merged with patch-181). Do you have a preferred method?
> I think this is the best arrangement unless I have write access to the
> archive.
i think that's best for now, should the need arise (iow should i
become a bottle neck) i'll give you write access to the main repo (or
we'll mention your repo on the ucw pages).
p.s. - i'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, don't take it personally if
i ignore the list for the next two weeks.
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen
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