[Bese-devel] Re: more feedback

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Tue Apr 6 20:49:04 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Marco" == Marco Baringer <mb at bese.it>:
 >> BTW, a quick manual of how to deal with crashed/broken UCW sessions
 >> would be extremely helpful. How do you do it? I feel major pain
 >> having to manually kill my *inferior-lisp*, *slime-repl* and quite
 >> often also *sldb* buffers along with my lisp...

 Marco> i generally don't kill those. although adding a slime-quit
 Marco> function to slime wouldn't be a bad idea.

 Marco> i usually start ucw from the terminal and then immediatly attach
 Marco> a slime to it. (i've even got a script which starts ucw, starts
 Marco> a slime server and then does a emacsclient -n -e '(slime-connect
 Marco> ...)', maybe i'll put this script into the main repo). When
 Marco> things go wrong i use M-x slime-list-threads to attach a
 Marco> debugger to the proper thread, i try and figure out what went
 Marco> wrong and either abort the request via the server-error restart,
 Marco> or re-call the action via the retry restart.

 Marco> of course, this is what i _would_ do, at the moment it seems
 Marco> that my slime-attach-debugger code is broken. :(

I still haven't gotten UCW to run. I think I'm trying to get too many
buggy components to work together, which results in debugging too many
things at once (e.g. SLIME support for threads is shaky).

I am still hitting a problem, where UCW services ONE request and then
spins in a busy loop having printed "[3290272773] Reaping dead

I think I have to figure out a way to run a subset of UCW, without the
debugging functionality and the SLIME interface, just with a simple
print-based logger. Otherwise I won't get very far.

Has anyone gotten UCW to work with CMUCL and mod_lisp?


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